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ADARRN is funded to facilitate secondments (staff exchanges) between ADARRN members. The purpose of secondments is to share knowledge and learnings between staff members at each service, in line with ADARRN's objective to promote co-operation between services. Secondments are expected to last between 3-5 days depending on travel times. Please read the Secondment policies and protocols prior to applying. 


Feedback from Senior AOD worker, Steve Taylor after his secondment to The Glen in December 2020


"I had a lot of highlights. I liked that all staff doing changeover in the morning, I feel it is very important for all staff to have a say in the day to day routine for clients. I love the in and out online group, for so many reasons. All the new clients can log in and see and hear clients journey and experience to get to the Glen and understand that they are not alone in their journey of D&A struggles. The intake workers can see who has logged into the in and out-groups because of the note left by the afternoon shift workers. Having your own fresh vegetable garden and free-range chook eggs, Yes!! All clients and staff cooking together with your own produce, fantastic idea! Your staff meeting is next level, I got a lot out of them. Making staff accountable for their actions and also helping them to become better in their roles. My favourite highlight was that all staff are connected via their work phones and laptop, that they can access all information on clients and add to it from anywhere. sharing photos, updates, to-do list, events, programs, shift and weekly plan for staff and clients. The system that you use for clients information is impressive, it is perfect for Resi rehab and you should be proud of it". 

Please read our Secondment Policy and Protocol prior to applying

Secondment Application Form
Secondment Application

This form is for hosts of recent secondees only

Host Organisation Debrief Form

Host Organisation Debrief Form

This form is for recent secondees only

Secondee Debrief Form

Secondee Debrief Form

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