The ADARRN Model of Care (AMoC)
This ADARRN Model of Care (AMoC) represents the collective wisdom and expertise of Aboriginal community-controlled residential rehabilitation services. Each service has a unique and discrete blend of approaches and modalities, with the shared core concept that culturally-informed practice and cultural identity forms the basis of healing for Aboriginal people. In 2023 the AMoC was evaluated, with the report available here.
The ADARRN overarching design represents a cohesive culturally-specific and responsive care model. The model is intended to provide an accurate and succinct description of the spectrum of approaches to care provided by ADARRN member services; to demonstrate the centrality of culturally- informed and culturally-appropriate practice provided. The AMoC is not a prescriptive process, instead, it is designed to be adapted to the local context and the broad spectrum of healing approaches offered within and between ADARRN member services. Each service maintains and, indeed, rests on their unique cultural protocols and responsibilities. Access to culturally-based knowledge and approaches remains solely the purview of each individual service in accordance with their unique cultural, organisational and governance frameworks.
The video below demonstrates the AMoC design through a collaborative process involving the founding member services, including clients, staff, families and stakeholders.
Healing and Treatment modalities under ADARRN Model of Care
As outlined, the overarching ADARRN Model of Care is a comprehensive suite of approaches firmly based in cultural identity and cultural practice. The following is an indicative outline of the various modalities and healing approaches provided through ADARRN services for individual clients and residents. The implementation, delivery and style of discrete elements will vary according to service with the over-riding proviso of person-centred approaches and individualized planning determining best practice approaches.